Monday 14 July 2014

Ointment against sharp lower back pain

For the treatment of back pain invented lots of ointments, gels which are effectively relieve pain and help the spine to recover. What medication to stop the selection in an emergency?

System preheating ointments and gels, causing local irritation: "Finalgon Nikoflex", "Kapsikam", "Apizatron". The principle of their operation we described above. Analgesic effect is achieved due to the blood flow in the capillaries and stimulation of the metabolism. Such drugs are effective for pain caused by trauma, hypothermia, and muscle diseases. Ken Drew official website

This is a magic wand for patients with osteoarthritis, since the disease is affecting spinal cartilage. Help her to recover and protective agents at the same time relieve the pain.

Anti-inflammatory: which include all the familiar diclofenac, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, and supporting the" cooling "ingredients like menthol. The opposite of a warming gels products, but are they in the same cases: hypothermia, injury, injuries, and diseases of the spine.

A combination of drugs to cope simultaneously with the removal of inflammation, and with the removal of pain, excellent help straightened hematoma and edema.

Homeopathic remedies not only stimulate metabolism, but also providing help to regenerate. It's sort of a combination of drugs that are recommended for radiculitis and osteochondrosis. keep reading before to give it a try

Decipher the language of pain

The nature and duration of the pain can help you and your health care provider with any specifically disease deal. Lumbago requires the assistance of a neurologist. To facilitate a task, you need to describe the events that preceded the attacks. If you have previously had problems with the spine, a doctor should be notified.
To start to distinguish concepts such as lumbago and infertility, If the first is the outbreak of acute pain, the second is a chronic disease. Characterized by constant aching back pain with intermittent aggravation may last a few days, and the only thing that can make at this time, the man without any physical torment, is lying and the farther into the forest-the heavier deterioration. If it is not treated, the muscles may atrophy, and eventually diagnosed with spondylolisthesis will loom is the offset of the vertebrae, accompanied by pressure on the nerve, narrowing of the spinal canal and spinal deformity, keep reading before to give it a try visit Introduction to Ken Drew

Lumbago can also be a faithful companion of sciatica. The duo has a special name-lumber. In this case, the back pain is "a moveable feast", but with periodic, adding to the overall picture. Nature of pain can vary: pulsating, but always the pain feels like a somewhere deep in the muscles or bones. You are dealing with, if:
Pain sensations affect not only back, but the legs and buttocks.

The pain gets worse with any movement from the walk and ending with a cough.
Backache during coughing is a characteristic sign of.
Sharp pain can last from several minutes to several days.

If it is not a question of sciatica and a bone, it is worth remembering that the sudden voltage may result in loss of vertebral disk. This event is also accompanied by collected. Unfortunately, determine the nature of pain it is impossible, but the longer the attack, the more likely it is that the problem is serious. So the first thing you need to do the following,-MRI-Diagnostics. Only you can use it to find out whether there is any loss or one drive ,keep for more info visit this link.


People, over the threshold of middle age, often complain of sudden flashes of pain in the back, when called nor bend or straighten. "Growing pain" while driving-tilts and twists, she "shoots" to lift shopping bags or clean the apartment. A small voltage back-and in the spine as if those talons really dig the needle, If the description of the symptoms causing your teeth on edge, you know firsthand what is lumbago.
Lumbago-no diagnosis, but a term that refers to any acute back pain regardless of the reason for its occurrence, Common name far more eloquently: shooting and the problem facing the vast majority of people over thirty who do not sin love of sport and physical activities.keep for more info visit  Ken Drew official website.

Why "shoots back"?
The most common situation would pass, is the need to bend down and pick up a small weight, as an option-slope with a small twist. In response to such actions might be cutting the throbbing lower back pain. Move virtually impossible, so people were forced to stiffen in a ridiculous pose, in which he caught the pass. Any attempt to straighten up is accompanied by new outbreaks of unbearable pain So, for what and why people overtake such problems? Factors that provoke adult:
Back muscle spasms caused by excessive physical stress or long stay in an uncomfortable position.
Hypothermia and cold;
Bruises and injuries;

Diseases of the spine causing displacement of the vertebrae tumors and infections
In a broad sense the reason for crosses in the back is weak back muscles and loss of elasticity of the spine healthy. Bad posture, multiplied by a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating, are as a result of osteochondrosis. The lion's share of the crosses in the back it happens because of degenerative disc disease and all sorts of problems derived from it, such as resonance.

Osteochondrosis-a rather vague concept.,What do you mean? Classic picture, which is a similar diagnosis: the distance between the vertebrae decreases and eventually trapped spinal nerves occurs. A nagging or cutting pain, and then the affected nerves are starting to get inflamed. Pain causes muscle spasm, which only exacerbates the problem. Along with this deteriorating blood supply to the affected area, the muscle does not get enough nutrients.

Misfortunes never come singly: Osteochondrosis has many negative effects. Disc prolapsed occurs (or drives), which in turn leads to the development of resonance. It is worth mentioning and this significant factor: the spinal nerves innervate all the internal organs. If a section of the spine is a violation will inevitably begin to suffer those who reflexively connected to the affected area. In the case of the loin can be small pelvis or legs. Shooting in this case is one of the symptoms, and in the words of the medical fraternity is a secondary lumbago, for more info see this link.

Monday 23 June 2014

Infection In The Intestine

- In some cases may be an explosion occurs in the intestines or the escape of bacteria, which leads to blood poisoning.
- Ulcers that infect the gut cause.
It is a slot unusual open between the two members of the body and always occur in the colon or rectum, which may lead to the transmission of the contents of the colon to the bladder or the vagina or skin, causing bacterial poisoning.
- And infection in the intestine could because abscess is accompanied by heat, pain and sense of tumor in the bowel.
* Secondary complications of Crohn's disease:
1 - Inflammation of the joints.
2 - Inflammatory eye.
3 - Skin problems.
4 - Infections of the mouth.
5 - Liver problems.
6 - Gallstone kidney and gall bladder.
Complications of Crohn's disease
Pregnancy and Crohn's disease

Diseaseless program links :

Friday 20 June 2014

Physical Therapy And Home Care For Children With Anal


When detecting clinical anal area by a specialist doctor has noted the presence of anal fissure, has resorted often to check area anal fingering to rule out the presence of tumors or hemorrhoids.

Complications and complexities:

Sometimes when there is a Home Care has healed the rift anal when the baby without any complications, but may be repeated appearances, and in the case of a child without attention and treatment may lead to the transformation of the rift to crack chronic difficult healing, and in this case the doctor immediately conduct surgical intervention for LED anal.  Disease less scam

Prevention rift anal children:

- change the diapers of the child constantly.

- Anti-occurrence of any constipation or chronic diarrhea.

- cleaning the anal area always gently.

- Drinking water fluids and fresh juices always.

Drug treatment for crack anal in children:

When anal fissure when the baby because of constipation, the child may respond automatically to treatment after the removal of the main reason it is constipation, and when you go to the pediatrician, it is mostly a description of laxatives in the form of drinks or points, as well as ointments topical analgesic (a local anesthetic) to ease the pain, but laxatives do not use for more than a week of being caused laziness in the intestine.

There are ways and means of effective natural treatment for crack anal when a child, especially at the beginning to happen, and these include the means natural use of natural honey, as well as the use of laxatives natural (senna), offers some natural methods effective for the treatment of rift anal children, also provides for the mother methods of home care for children infected anal, can be found in the treatment of rift anal.

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Anal Fissure In Children

Children and the elderly are most susceptible to the occurrence of rift anal due to many reasons including constipation, dehydration and low intake of fiber and fluids during the day, and the rift anal in children causes great suffering to them and makes them reluctant to defecate. Disease less review

To make matters worse due to increased hardening of feces and thereby doubling the problem rift anal, say doctors and specialists that more than 90% of children who have blood with stool infected anal, and stop the bloodshed of rift usually of his own during (5-10) minutes, and in this issue provides us with comprehensive information and sufficient for the rift anal when children and methods of prevention and home care for children infected and how to cure it natural.


frequent presence of anal fissure in young children for many reasons, including constipation and lasting drought, as well as may occur rift in children who suffer from the disease Crones (Crohn's disease), and in some cases it seems strange that the children who suffer from diarrhea lasting may happen to them anal fissure because liquid stool may weaken the tissues surrounding it, also contains acid may burn the interior region, thus causing some sort of rash and thus evolve to an anal fissure.


Symptoms experienced by a child with anal represented in the incidence of pain upon defecation (bowel movement) with the presence of constipation or without it, may also note the presence of blood bright red color in the form of points or small fine lines on the surface of the stool or on toilet paper, and the stool is usually a large size or solid followed by direct blood , and can be seen Rip shallow or crack when breakthrough buttocks, but it is not always possible to see Rip, as the child feels pain is simple when you touch the rift.

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Additional Tests

Your doctor may suggest several tests, including stool examination to check the presence of inflammation or malabsorption problem, and tests used to deny the existence of a causal last of symptoms experienced by, and these tests:

Also flexible endoscopy (colonoscopy and flexible rectal):

And examine the rectum and the last part of the colon using a thin flexible tube with a camera at the end of a small.

Colonoscopy sigmoid scope

Gastrointestinal Endoscopy lowers (colonoscopy):

In some cases, your doctor may conduct this examination, which uses a flexible thin tube to examine the entire colon.

Planning radiation tomography (CT scan):

This is in the planning capture axial cross-sectional images of organs and tissues of the body using X-rays (X-ray), and the planning of radiation of the abdomen and pelvis helps the doctor to deny that there may be other causes for the symptoms you are experiencing. ken drew

Examination of lactose intolerance:

Enzyme lactase needed to digest the sugar lactose found in dairy products and if your body does not produce this enzyme, you may get to have symptoms similar to those associated with the colon nervous system, including colic and gas and diarrhea, the doctor determines if this is the cause of the symptoms of your existing, you may be asked not to eat milk and its derivatives for a few weeks.

Blood test:

Wheat disease that gets a result of sensitivity to gluten in wheat, barley and oats may cause symptoms similar to those associated with the colon nervous system, blood test and denies the existence of this disease.

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